Will I Get Seasick on a Cruise?


The potential prospect of suffering from seasickness can put those prone to motion sickness off booking a cruise holiday. Whilst the effects of seasickness are hardly fatal, feelings of nausea can certainly make the holiday uncomfortable, and can put you off enjoying the excellent range of activities and dining options available.

What is Seasickness?

There are a number of schools of thought about the main causes of seasickness, but the majority of studies suggest it results from the body’s natural inclination for balance competing against an object in motion.

However, some studies have determined that some people become seasick by suggestion – convincing themselves they are destined to become ill on a ship.

Balcony - Bownpau

There are some people who have a natural proclivity for motion sickness and seasickness, in particular women and children. However, kids under the age of two seem immune from the effects of seasickness and the elderly are significantly less susceptible.

Booking Tips for the Motion Sick

If you’re currently engaged in an emotional tug-o-war between your desire to go on a cruise and your concern it may be ruined by a history of motion sickness, there are a number of simple tips when choosing a cruise which could help put your mind (and stomach) at ease.

Larger, more modern ships are amongst the smoothest at sea, reducing the rocking sensation and making for plain sailing. Royal Caribbean’s Oasis of the Seas is just inches short of being the largest cruise ship on the sea. Cruise1st have a great selection of cruises aboard the Oasis of the Seas on a dedicated page, here.

Oasis of the Seas - Nathanmac87

Booking balcony rooms in the middle of the ship can help you acclimatise to the natural balance point of the ship and offer you a constant view of the horizon. Also, choosing cruise itineraries with a number of shore excursions can help reduce long stretches at sea.

Medicinal Remedies

There are a number of medicinal options designed to reduce or remove the effects of seasickness. Transderm Scop is a prescription-only scopolamine patch to be applied behind the ear. Other medicinal treatments include Dramamine, Meclizine (Bonine) and Benadryl, which are freely dispensed on some liners and sold in the sundries shops of most. Some of these can cause side effects including drowsiness and dizziness, which may be intensified by the consumption of alcohol.

There are child-friendly variations of some of these medicines, but we suggest you enquire with your GP before your child uses them.

Non-Medicinal Remedies

For those who would prefer to tackle your motion sickness without the aid of pills, there are a number of non-medicinal remedies which have proved to be successful for cruisers in the past. Sea-Bands are simple wristbands which can help prevent nausea and vomiting without side effects by applying a small amount of pressure on the Nei-Kuan pressure point of the wrist. These come in both child and adult sizes.

Additionally, a number of foodstuffs have been found to help nausea including ginger (which can be taken in powder, tea, candy or pill form), green apples and crackers.

For more tips about seasickness, call our dedicated team on 0808 2746 777 and for booking information visit the Cruise1st homepage.

Images sourced via Royal Caribbean Press Center and Flickr Creative Commons. Credits: Bownpau, Nathanmac87


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Claire has worked in the travel industry since leaving college in 1994. One of this blog's most regular contributors, Claire covers cruise news and industry trends.

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