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Will Brexit Lead to Higher Travel Costs?

There have been strong reactions from both sides following the UK’s decision to leave the EU last week, but what isn’t so clear cut is how Brexit could affect our everyday lives – in particular, travelling through Europe and the EU member states.

There are concerns that the cost of travelling to EU nations may increase without the numerous trade agreements and benefits provided by the European Union.

The cost of flying may increase in the post-Brexit UK, with the no-frills air travel industry potentially suffering. The European Union negotiated the removal of certain air travel restrictions allowing greater competition and the demand for lower air fares. However, the UK would have to try and negotiate similar air service agreements if Britain’s no-frills airlines such as EasyJet are going to continue offering low-price fares.

Naturally, this will only affect cruise passengers on fly/cruise itineraries. In the long term, it could provide a boost for UK cruise ports with passengers avoiding air fares and taking to the seas from Southampton, Tilbury and others.

Perhaps the most headline-grabbing effect of the referendum was the decrease in the value of the pound. And although it has steadied somewhat as the dust starts to settle, it remains to be seen how a post-Brexit pound copes against the euro and US dollar in the coming years.

Other Helpful Links

If you’re wondering how Brexit may affect other aspects of travel, we have compiled answers to some of the most common questions we have been asked following Brexit.

Will I Need a New Passport When We Leave the EU?

Will I Need a Visa to Travel to EU Nations?

Will Brexit Affect Travel Insurance and Health Cover?


At Cruise1st, we will continue to offer the very best cruise trips at the lowest possible prices. For a full selection of our fantastic deals, visit our homepage or call our dedicated team on 0808 2746 777

Article Name
Will Brexit Lead to Higher Travel Costs?
Cruise1st look into the effects of Brexit and whether it could lead to increased costs of travelling within Europe.
Claire Wilde

Claire has worked in the travel industry since leaving college in 1994. One of this blog's most regular contributors, Claire covers cruise news and industry trends.

Published by
Claire Wilde

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